Thursday, September 11, 2008

3rd times the charm

It took 3 tries, but Derek finally has his permit. No he didn't have to take the test 3 times, it was because of the bureaucracy of our local MVD. The first time his dad took him they said "your mom has to be here or sign the paper work also". The next try with me, the office was closed on Sat. due to Monday being labor Day(and no they didn't tell us that on the website). So the 3rd time really is the charm.

Derek is so excited. Me, not sure how I feel. A little old, a little scared and a little bit excited that we will have someone to run and get that one item (usually sour cream) that I don't have for dinner on any given night. Maybe I can hire him out for all of my friends that have little ones.

Errand runner for hire. Will fly if you buy. JK...

Congrats Derek I am very proud of you and very happy for you.


Melissa M. said...

Well that's exciting! I remember always asking my mom if there was any errand that needed to be done. I still enjoy driving (of a short distance).

Susan said...

Yay! Tell him I may be calling him too!

BTW the song on your blog always makes me feel like I'm interupting something and that I need to leave you and Lon alone. Wink! Wink!

Randi Brook said...

way to go derek!!! it took me three trys must run in the family hahaha.