Friday, August 29, 2008

My new Job!

I continue to learn a lesson in my life. Or maybe I haven't yet learned this lesson. I need to keep my mouth shut. If you recall a few weeks ago I was bragging about all my free time and how quiet my house is with all my children in school. Well I spoke too soon.
About a week ago I was offered a job at Curves gym for women. I have been going there to workout for about 6 months and have gotten to know the owner. She had an opening and asked if I was interested. It's 3 days a week for 4 hrs. It's a fun job and gives me the opportunity to meet and help other women. Hopefully it will help me too(get in shape).
So there goes half my free time. If anyone wants to come try it out, let me know.


Amy said...

I'm so excited for you Paula...and that's the perfect amount of part-time work, I think. And being at a place with a bunch of women. So fantastic!

Melissa M. said...

I want to try it out. Could I do it on a Saturday (just any Saturday but the 6th)?
Thanks Paula!

Momma Dianna said...

Thanks so much for your comment. I can't wait for this little girl to come either...I'm so uncomfortable! Congrats on your new job. I should come check it out after I have the baby to get all my weight off!

Susan said...

Are you still loving it? I think it is such a perfect situation.